As regards the article, 'The highs and the lows: How has legalizing weed changed the travel experience in Thailand?' this is an extremely limited perspective and the content bears little association with the title. If the writer had come to Chiang Mai she would have seen cannabis shops of all levels opening and closing within a few months. There are so many of them, often in blocks of three or more together, with barely a single customer between them at any time of day. She only quotes owners of businesses selling cannabis and doesn't quote those against it. The consensus of many business owners in Chiang Mai is that there are so many so called 'dispensaries' that they are spoiling what limited attraction the city has left to entice tourists. Unlike her comment 'most users go about their business discreetly' it's not uncommon to see people rolling joints inside and even outside bars.

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Right yeah. There seems to be growing push-back. Will be interesting to see what the new govt does.

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Methinks Mr. Godwin could've spent a little more time on his article which reads like a rehash of points made more forcefully and eloquently by many others. Including you, Stuart.

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