Talk about being tone deaf, you said > 'Earlier this month, a queer Black American woman'... I might have said gay or lesbian or another less offensive term, but queer? I'm disappointed in your choice of words.


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Hi Dan,

I used queer because that is the word she uses to identify herself (in is in the apology bit I quoted at the end, and was what she used through the whole drama), so I went with that.



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She identifies as queer herself. It's a word that has been reclaimed by that identity. Why would you be disappointed in Stuart's choice? That makes little sense. Did you even read the rest of the article?

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I read the article. In the United States, the expression used is considered offensive.

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Well for some people that may be the case.

But you know she literally identifies herself as queer, right? And that for queer people it's not a pejorative term? I'm American, lived there 30 years. I'm well-aware of what's considered offensive and not. And this is a word that has been reclaimed by the LGBTQ community. Notice what that "Q" stands for?

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The Q stands for Qanon

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